Saturday, April 27, 2019

Structure & Strategies for success Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

anatomical structure & Strategies for advantage - Coursework ExampleThe matrix organization pass on use the teams of employees to accomplish the set work and shit advantage of the strengths and make up for the weaknesses of functional and decentralized forms as we are providing more than one growth and service. A strong or trade union movement matrix will be adopted where a project manager will be responsible for a particular product. Functional managers will provide skilful expertise and assign resources as call fored. The format used in the organization will ensure thriving implementation of the organizations purpose and function. The organization will be led by a Chief Executive Officer and will have seventy five employees. Under the executive police officer will be the various departmental heads. The organization will have six major departments which admit Product Management, Information and Communications Technology, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing, Finan ce and Human Resources. Under product focusing each product and service will have a line manager and staff low him or her who will be in charge of all operations of the product from its discipline to the dissemination to the customer. Each product or service will be handled as an independent item precisely may be combined for promotional purposes. The chief executive officer will oversee the general implementation of the organizations goals and objectives. The chief product attention will ensure that all products and services are developed to the satisfactory of the customer. The chief information and communications technology will handle the needs of the company as well as work in liaison with research and development department and product management in coming up with new products or improving existing ones. The chief research and development will ensure continued innovation of products and services and enhancement of existing products. Chief sales and market will be resp onsible for the marketing of the products and achievement of sales targets set. The chief finance officer will be in charge of the organizations budget revenue, costs and expenses while the chief human resources will be in charge of the personnel or work force. Organizational Structure CCC Marketing Strategies for success Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term (Johnson & Scholes 17). The companys strategic externalize will help determine where the organization is going over the next five years. A goals-based cooking will be undertaken and will focus on the organizations mission, vision, values and goals and will be adopted by all departments to ensure success of the organization. Strategic planning will be conducted at least once a year to facilitate setting of goals in the coming year. Factors that will be considered in the strategies for success are the products, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence. Products and Servi ces The company is offering a all-encompassing range of products and services which include satellite dish and broadband set up for home and business, IP phone set up, Pdq (credit card machine), satellite television and satellite networking. The products are functional as need for internet use is paramount and on the increase both from home and office. Cable television is alike in high demand. Support after installations will be offered for the client and warranty for the equipment will withal be given. Price and Place The products and serv

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