Thursday, April 4, 2019

Police Brutality And Its Effects On Society Criminology Essay

patrol Brutality And Its Effects On Society Criminology Essay1. Introduction law barbarism has occurred each(prenominal) crosswise the world and is still a major concern amongst caller and guard transcriptions. This brutality ranges from assaults, death as a result of practice of troopss, harassment, Etc. It takes 2 forms (Thompson 2004), which is physical brutality which includes assaults, and non-physical brutality which includes practice session of communicatory language. In sulphur Africa pillowcases of brutality has been part of country history as it was happening during apartheid era because of protests, and at the present moment it is much worse as mint use up rights and most mess withdraw access to camcorders to record such incidents which at the later stage attract media attention.According to Burger (2011) globe is lento losing trust in the legal philosophy because of amongst other things such as brutality itself, sinful doings and misapply of powe r.Sean & Tait (2011) explained that most brutality cases indoors the South African law Service derived from members of public order policing (POP) as they normally deal with gathering and protests.Sharpville massacre is star of the example of which 69 race were killed and 180 wound as a result of police carry through on 21 March 1960 and recently is the violent death of Andries Tatane and thirty four Marikana Lonmin striking miners by the members of South African Police Service.2. Literature ReviewConsidering this luggage compartment of literature, researches were conducted by different authors nationally and internationally to address issue of police brutality and its effects to society. out front going barely with this topic police brutality, the term police brutality is defined as followsThompson (2004) defines Police brutality as every instance in which a police officer using supererogatory excessive quarter to or while interacting with members of public while perform ing his or her duties. These brutalities take two forms which is physical and non-physical, physical includes actions such as killing someone, E.g. thirty four mining strikers who were killed by the police at lonmin mine, and non-physical which includes verbally abusing the public.There is literature that be relevant to the topic and some of the findings were categorised as followsBruce (2003) explained that the statistics from South Africa Police Service watch dog, besides cognize as indep destroyent complaints directorate (currently kn suffer as IPID) revealed cases of brutalities once more thanst members of the divine divine service and judicature from period April 1997 to March 2001. These brutalities were categorised as from death as a result of police action (excludes death in custody), torture, assaults and attempted murder. He further said in addition reporting cases of brutalities the public are overly non satisfied with the service r completionered by the police.Ga ry (2003) argued that police brutality is in any case part of South African history. He mentioned that during apartheid regime many people of which majority were cutting people had suffered brutality from the detainment of the police more especially in South African townships. His tale was supported by photographic images of one of the victim known as Hector Peterson, a thirteen year old who was shot by the police in Soweto. Apart from Peterson tragedy there were also photos of white police official beating and shooting b drop protesters and the death of Steve Biko who was murdered in police custody for political reasons.Gary (20039) believes that the past police also social welfareed from these brutalities and they were very effective than the present police force mainly because they were feared by the public. He said crime then was too low and it was promising that people were afraid to report cases because police then were not approachable.Masuku (2004) believes that Police Managers lack of monitoring of members conduct is one of the reasons why South Africa is having high number of cases of police madness. He mentioned that procedures are incorrectly followed in the service and records are not properly kept and as a result a member commits the equivalent offence now and then. He said Independent complaints directorate (ICD) findings for the annual report 2002-2003 revealed number of cases whereby people were shot and killed by the police and to date it does not indicate how many were illegal and how many were legitimate. He said standing order 251 which requires factual reports of all shooting incidents is not practiced correctly within the service. He said that they are other cases of police misconduct such as torture and non-lethal force were also not monitored correctly and as a fact police officers gets off easily.Studies conducted by, Minaar & mistry (2006) showed that use of spare excessive force by the police is mostly related to officers w ellbeing such as stress. They conducted interviews with members establish at Gauteng province and the finding were that members work circumstances such as interacting with suspects is the reason for police action of violence. He also mentioned that counselling and stress management should play a vital role in member wellbeing exclusively criticised the member code of silence.Shawn & Tait (2011) studies revealed that most brutalities in South Africa derived from violent protests by public and involves member of public order policing within the police such as tactical rejoinder team and combat crime unit. He also mentioned that cases of brutalities had increased since 2006 as a result of protests by public. He said that these members resorts to the use of excessive force as last resorts more especially when they are outnumbered by the public and often leads to death of protesters and one example of that is marikana massacre.Other studies conducted by burger (2011) states that the br utalities, criminal behaviour and other misconducts by the police has negative effect on public trust and confidence. He further said that society must trust and also have faith in police for their own safety. It seems as this is impossible for the police as the recent reports and images of police brutalities speak another thing such as marikana lonhill miners massacre which was broadcasted on television for days, video footage of ficksburg protester andries tatane who lost his life in the hands of police, video of members of tactical response team at abar in Johannesburg and a restaurant in Melville which was shown on 3rd degree on e-tv and the recent case of Mozambican taxi driver who was tied at the back of police vehicle and dragged and later died in police custody.Again, Bruce (2011) on another article, beyond class 49, says use of force by members of South African Police Service is being misused and it is insubordinate and that the policy needs to be amended so that the poli ce can work effectively. He again on this article mentioned the killing of Andries Tatane as one of the victim of such abuse of power by the police.3. Rationale/ Significance of researchThe discipline is important as it is focused on the remnant betwixt the police and the general public mainly because of police brutalities and use of unnecessary excessive force and is also aimed at benefiting both the police and the society to refrain from trouble. One arranging such as South African Police Service (SAPS) has its tasks and one is to mobilize the community to act against local crime in terms of rude(a)ly implemented sector policing and this seems to be unachievable because of the recent cases of brutalities by its members. The objective was to have the police and the public to work together but now because of the police brutality images such as marikana lonmin massacre that were view by the society nationwide this seems to be impossible.Police brutality affects everyone, such a s the government, police, organisation and the public, and this proposed learn is aimed at preventing future brutalities and improve police-society working relationship.The above categories entrust benefit from the study as followsPolice OfficersThe study will benefit officer as these brutalities normally have consequences and faculty ruin the future career.SocietyThe society will also benefit as they depend on police for their safety and be brutalised as a result.OrganisationThe organisation will also benefit as it will finally realise the seriousness of this brutalities and also to deal with culprits to set an example to other police officers and again to ensure that their members are well trained and equipped to deal with the public in a peaceful manner.Other researchersThis study will also benefit future researchers and hopefully brings new organic evolutions.4. interrogation Problem StatementIn a country like South Africa the citizens tarry police to do their work in a pr ofessional manner and also be accountable to their actions. They expect police officers to protect them and their properties and also uphold the law of the country. These police officers have powers invested to them and are governed by sure legislation to perform their duties and the public are also have to be treated in a self-respectful manner in terms of the rights given by the constitution. It then becomes a problem because criminal procedure act section 49 gives police officer powers to use force to overcome any situation and such powers are the misused by certain police officers as they use them where it is not necessarily. Police officer as members of public themselves work under extreme situations, such as members of public order policing who deal with public violence and protests as they are used to violence and whenever approached they may also use the force which may result in death of citizens such as ficksburg protester Andries Tatane. license directorate complaints s tatistics (Bruce 2003) reveals number of citizens who suffered as a result of these brutalities, although most of them were not covered by the media but it affect the community in such a way that they lose trust in the police.5. query Question or Hypothesis StatementThe main research question of this study isCan Police managers better reduce or prevent brutalities and unnecessary use of excessive force and how serious is this to the society?There are researchers in South Africa such as Shawn and Tait (2011) who have identified factors such situational, individual(a) and organisational as reason that may influence other Police officers to unreasonably use excessive force and brutality against the public.The following Hypothesis statements (Akdogan, 20093) clearly explain the problem of police brutalityThey are play satisfaction and work related stress usually affects police official attitudes towards avoiding or put an end to brutality and unreasonable use of excessive force Polic e Official post such as a member who is based at Tactical Response Team (TRT) and Combat Crime whole (CCU), who have low attitude than those who are posted at stations because they deal with riots and are likely to apply excessive use of force. Lastly, Laws relating to police conduct towards society such as section 49 of Criminal Procedure Act and citizen Bill of Rights in terms of the Constitution.6. Aim and objectivesThis study aims to provide all police officials with information on how to serve its public and also how to avoid brutalities and their consequences thereof, how it impacts the organisation, the government and the community as a whole. This study also intends to highlight areas within the police force such a development of employees that needs to be improved and assessed to avoid such brutalities in future.7. Research Design and MethodologyThis proposed study will employ triangulation mixed method, De Vos (2012 442) meaning that it will employ both soft and quantitat ive methods. In a case of quantitative research theories are tested and confirmed by means of measurable numbers and statistical analysis such as those statistics revealed by case-by-case directorate complaints (ICD). Whereas, in a case of qualitative research words are important than numbers and also involvement of people in studies plays a vital role and an example is a research done by, Minaar & mistry (2006) which involved members.7.1. Research DesignFor quantitative studied survey designs is suitable for these proposed study as the topic itself is not come to about police brutality alone, it is also concerned about how it affect society and then a population group needs to be identified to gather data.7.2. Unit of AnalysisThis proposed study includes more than one unit analysis which is individual within the organisation such as police officers, organisation which these individual represents and the social interaction or behaviour of these individual such as police use of violence and brutality. These mention units need to be analysed to carry out the study.7.3. Identification of VariablesFor the sake of this research independent variable is identified which is section 49 of criminal procedure act which give police officers powers to use force and the dependent variable which is the bill of rights which gives citizen right to be treated in a dignified manner, In simple term is that use of force violates human rights.7.4. Sample and sample typeFor sample distribution purpose, other stakeholders will be included such as community, police officers or organisation, department of justice, and so forth by means of simple random sampling which will give others opportunity to participate and that will be determined by using table of random numbers from the population.7.5. Data Collection MethodsMethods of aggregation data will vary based on types of people affected by police violence for the purpose of quantitative research and the most suitable method for this proposed study is survey questionnaire (welman 2005152) as it is concerned about the background of individual and the difference will however determine whether everyone understands the seriousness of the effects and for qualitative research method that will be utilised is interviews.7.6. Data analysisFor the purpose of this proposed study data information will be gathered from statistics and interviews and will be used to answer the research question. In a case of quantitative research information will be gathered from statistics and reports and then analysed harmonize to categories such as the total number of fatal force used by police officers quarterly, and in a case of qualitative research (De Vos 2011402) information will be gathered from interview recordings, opthalmic materials, etc.8. Ethical rumination/ constraintsBefore studies commences, ethical issues needs to be identified and reviewed to ensure that electric potential participant are not exposed to harm. De Vos (2011 115-126) and Welman (2005 182) identified ethical issues that needed to be taken into consideration to ensure that all participants are protected and information gathered is legitimate. An approval from research ethics perpetration is also important as it will protect participants from researchers who conduct studies in an unethical manner. At the end of the study all findings and results that will be presented will be that obtained during the study.9. Overview of the Chapter StructureThis chapter started by focusing on the research main question which was directed to the managers of the organisation, that what can they do better to better the situation or problem the society is facing and also how to render effective service. The chapter was further discussed and three components (hypothesis) were highlighted that managers should look into when addressing the problem and finally the methods were identified to carry out the studies in order to reach the aims and objective of this proposal.10. Research m ScheduleAccording to, De Vos et al (2011111) a project should include a work plan. As organisation is responsible for behaviour of its members, then a time frame for this project is one year. Then an organisation can make analysis of reported cases and then used its findings to compare to the previous to determine the difference to achieve the aims of the proposal.11. BudgetThis study does not require any financial planning as lack or insufficient training was seen as factor that is needed to educate and provide police officers with skills on how to handle the public and that has been done by the organisation for a period of time.12. Preliminary List of character/ BibliographyBRUCE, D. 2011. Beyond Section 49 control of the use lethal force. SA Crime Quarterly, 36 3-12BRUCE, D. 2003. What the Independent Complaints board of directors Statistics tell us (or not) Gripes or grievances? SA Crime Quarterly, 4 23-30BURGER, J. 2011. To Protect and Serve Rest oring world Confidence in the SAPS. SA Crime Quarterly, 36 13-22DE VOS, A. S, STRYDOM, H. FOUCHE, C. B & DELPORT, C. S. L. 2011. Research at Grass Roots For the social sciences and human service professions. 4th ed. Pretoria Van Schaik.KYNOCH, G. 2003. Personal Security concerns in South African Townships Apartheid Nostalgia. SA Crime Quarterly, 5 7-10MASUKU, T. 2004. National Monitoring of Police Misconduct number that counts. SA Crime Quarterly, 8 5-10MINAAR, A & MISTRY, D .2006. dealing with the use of force and stress related violence by members of the police some observation from selected case studies in Gauteng province, South Africa. Acta criminological, 19(3) 29-63TAIT, S, & MARKS, M. 2011. You strike a Gathering, You Strike a rock- current debate in the Policing of Public Order in South Africa. SA Crime Quarterly, 38 12-22WELMAN, J. C, KRUGER, S. J & MITCHEL, B. 2005.Research Methodology. 3rd ed. Cape Town Oxford.

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