Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Physics midterm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Physics midterm examination - Essay ExampleHow does the weight of an object affect its motion? And finally what is the effect of new(prenominal) forces other than gravity on the objects motion? The following measurements were interpreted in the lab The objects displacement over era during the fall and the Carts displacement over time starting from rest. The time interval for the cart for five several(predicate) inclination angles and the time interval when the angle of inclination for the cart is constant, and the mass is varied were noted.The measurement taken in the lab relate to the principals used in the test. Using the measurements and the basic kinematic equations we have calculated displacement, hurrying and acceleration. Therefore the motion of the object in free fall and an inclined plane has been described. The lab relates to the poppycock covered in class since using the data we have confirmed the expected results from theoretical outline using the actual results. R eal world applications of this lab include orbit calculations, explorations of oceans resources, satellite launch, exploration of inbred resources and isometric height measurements.Bjrk, B. C. (2012). The hybrid model for open access publication of scholarly articles A failed experiment?. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(8),

Monday, April 29, 2019

Evaluate the effectiveness of technology in monitoring national Essay

Evaluate the effectiveness of engineering in monitoring national borders and preventing trafficking of drugs or tenders - try Example37). In order to counter these crimes, prevention measures have to be implemented to forestall the trafficking of human existences and drugs into the democracy. Various measures have been implemented to tackle these problems such as imposing heavy penalties on individuals who dissever these laws and likewise protecting the national orders through a team of salutary trained personnel and equipment (United states 2010, pg. 16). The utilise of technology in monitoring the national borders and preventing human and drug trafficking will be discussed as well as its effectiveness. Application of Technology in monitoring National Borders The national borders be monitored by unalike organizations all with the intention of preventing smuggled activities from taking place. This involves prevention of bootleg drug and human trafficking and also the ille gal immigration of individuals into the country. For this purpose, technology is required to keep track of the activities being carried out along the border and also to verify the legality of individuals or activities. For example, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement uses technology to reveal illegal aliens in the country and unless rank them according to the severity of their crimes (National Research Council (U.S.) 2009, pg. 29). Particularly, they apply biometric identification techniques which are used to identify individuals according to their traits or characteristics. In addition to that, illegal activity can be monitored through close circuit television cameras. The authorities use these cameras to monitor the boundaries and detect whether there is any crime being carried out (Manning 2008, pg. 97). The cameras are usually hidden and are on a 24-hour basis. They are set in a position where they can hold a wide view of the area thus qualification it easier for the law enforcers to monitor. Law enforcers then observe the borders through the cameras in shifts and also by carrying out patrols some the area. It is possible to record information through these cameras and the information is stored in form of tapes. The tapes are important in court cases as they serve as evidence pointing towards illegal activity being carried out crosswise the border and into the country. Application of Technology in Drug and Human Trafficking Different forms of technology can be applied in drug and human trafficking. For example, scanners are used in major airports to identify illegal substances in an individuals package (Belliotti 2009, pg. 117). Airport authorities use advanced imaging technology which is programmed to detect various threats against the crew members and the passengers. Other than threats, the imaging technology also highlights the illegal substances thus allowing for further human searching. This form of technology is less invasive compared to the previous methods thus encouraged by some(prenominal) airports. In addition, technology is used to monitor and track the whereabouts of individuals involved in criminal activity especially drug and human trafficking. Authorities are able to track cell phones using tracking devices that black market by tracking the cell phone number. This gives them the accurate position of the phone thus making it easier to conceive action upon the traffickers. Traffickers prefer using prepaid cell phones which makes them harder to track and thus preventing the control of these vices. However, police officers are allowed to plant tracking devices on such phones and consequently gain

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Federalists and the AntiFederalists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Federalists and the AntiFederalists - Essay casingThe final character had to be approved and ratified or approved by the each state. The reservation of the Constitution led to the division of the American people into two groups, the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.The Federalists believed that the creation of a Constitution was the just now way a just society could be established. They believed that not all the power should be given over to the legislature unless it was writ tenner down as this would ensure no mistreatment of power. They centered their arguments on the incapabilitys of the national brass based on the denomination of Confederation and stressed on the benefits of a government based on the Constitution. They also believed that a strong central government would help in the commercial growth of the country. Federalists t finised to assistant local, face-to-face politics with momentary passion and short-sightedness, while associating a broader, more refined vi ew of the everyday interest with national representatives (Ellis, 1996, p. 64). The Federalists had a pluralistic view of the society, they believed in a society that had many contrastive and competing groups, and no group would dominate the other. Two noted leaders of the Federalists were Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, who helped create the constitution.The Anti-Federalists manifestly had a different view. ... They believed that the president would be given too much power, and that the Congress would be disconsolate in nature with very few representatives for a large number of people. They argued that the Constitution would put an end to self rule in the states. The Anti-Federalists also believed that a country as large as the joined States of America could not be controlled by a single national government. Thomas Jefferson, an Anti-Federalist felt that the merits of pop freedom were best groomed in an agricultural or agrarian society and with increasing urbanization, c entralisation of power, and commercialization there would be a decline in political society and ultimately tyranny. wholeness of the best associates the Federalists had in their effort to get the Constitution ratified was of the provisions given for the ratification of Article VII of the Constitution. Federalist leaders returned to their states after the Constitution was created at the Constitutional Convention, in order to elect Federalist delegates to the conventions in the states. By the year 1790, all the thirteen states of America had ratified the document, giving the Constitution and the Federalists their victory. Though the Constitution was created, which was not in favor of the Anti-Federalist, there efforts did not go unnoticed. In response to their sentiments the first ten amendments were added to the Constitution, voted by state legislatures. Those ten amendments were given the name Bill of Rights. Today, the Bill of Rights is an important part of the Constitutions here ditary pattern of liberty. The Anti-Federalists insisted that the Constitution should explicitly recognize the traditional procedural rights to be safe from general search and seizure, to be indicted by grand

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Structure & Strategies for success Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

anatomical structure & Strategies for advantage - Coursework ExampleThe matrix organization pass on use the teams of employees to accomplish the set work and shit advantage of the strengths and make up for the weaknesses of functional and decentralized forms as we are providing more than one growth and service. A strong or trade union movement matrix will be adopted where a project manager will be responsible for a particular product. Functional managers will provide skilful expertise and assign resources as call fored. The format used in the organization will ensure thriving implementation of the organizations purpose and function. The organization will be led by a Chief Executive Officer and will have seventy five employees. Under the executive police officer will be the various departmental heads. The organization will have six major departments which admit Product Management, Information and Communications Technology, Research and Development, Sales and Marketing, Finan ce and Human Resources. Under product focusing each product and service will have a line manager and staff low him or her who will be in charge of all operations of the product from its discipline to the dissemination to the customer. Each product or service will be handled as an independent item precisely may be combined for promotional purposes. The chief executive officer will oversee the general implementation of the organizations goals and objectives. The chief product attention will ensure that all products and services are developed to the satisfactory of the customer. The chief information and communications technology will handle the needs of the company as well as work in liaison with research and development department and product management in coming up with new products or improving existing ones. The chief research and development will ensure continued innovation of products and services and enhancement of existing products. Chief sales and market will be resp onsible for the marketing of the products and achievement of sales targets set. The chief finance officer will be in charge of the organizations budget revenue, costs and expenses while the chief human resources will be in charge of the personnel or work force. Organizational Structure CCC Marketing Strategies for success Strategy is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term (Johnson & Scholes 17). The companys strategic externalize will help determine where the organization is going over the next five years. A goals-based cooking will be undertaken and will focus on the organizations mission, vision, values and goals and will be adopted by all departments to ensure success of the organization. Strategic planning will be conducted at least once a year to facilitate setting of goals in the coming year. Factors that will be considered in the strategies for success are the products, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence. Products and Servi ces The company is offering a all-encompassing range of products and services which include satellite dish and broadband set up for home and business, IP phone set up, Pdq (credit card machine), satellite television and satellite networking. The products are functional as need for internet use is paramount and on the increase both from home and office. Cable television is alike in high demand. Support after installations will be offered for the client and warranty for the equipment will withal be given. Price and Place The products and serv

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Lost Colony of Roanoke Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Lost Colony of Roanoke - Essay ExampleAlthough it is not possible to take in this particular mystery without concrete forensic evidence or the discovery of new information, the discussion that testament be presented seeks to define a likely scenario that was the result of situations that were recorded by several individuals and represented at heart the history of the Roanoke colonists.Before delving directly into the issue, it is necessary to appreciate that the colony of Roanoke was a charter colony establish by Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Elizabeth I. As a charter colony, it was intended as a ground within the New World and the potential challenge to Spains continue development within the region. It was the take to of Queen Elizabeth I, and Sir Walter Raleigh that the Roanoke colony would be able to provide a relatively quick retrograde on investment in English. Whereas it is true that the coffers of Queen Elizabeth I were not shallow, these undertakings and planting co lonies around the reality were specifically expensive and required the dedication of resources, man function, and ships all of these being resources that were desired and demanded by different individuals and power throughout the kingdom. As Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Elizabeth I shared a special relationship, and champion that many analysts believe could brace been sexual, the agreement to provide Raleigh with the necessary resources might not have been performed out of due diligence or based upon the possibility of profitability (Haskell, 2012). Regardless of the rationale, Queen Elizabeth the I provided Sir Walter Raleigh with five ships and a contingent of colonists and supplies that were directed to establish a preliminary colony in North America.The general agreement was that these colonists would be performing two distinct functions at the same time. The set-back function was to determine whether or not an English colony in North America

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The economic performance of the UK compared to Japan since 1990 has Essay - 1

The economic slaying of the UK compared to Japan since 1990 has clearly demonstrated the superiority of the Anglo Saxon model over State Led Capitalism. treat - Essay ExampleWhere as in verbalise led capitalism, the productive forces are directed and controlled by the government in a capitalist manner. It is a social system combining capitalism with state ownership.Anglo Saxon economic model encourages innovation, competitiveness, and promote overall prosperity, and produces less inequality and poverty at the concluding margins of a society. It creates to a greater extent jobs and delivers better working conditions as seen in UK where working condition is better than Japan. When plurality invest their own money, they have a chance to make profit by best efforts. hither production utilises at optimum level as the soul interest is involved. Competition pushes the producer to murder up productive steps such as new technology, cost cutting, and use of best run chain for making go od profit (Schmidt, Vivien A., 2002).Other than these advantages, this thriftiness also proves some disadvantages. This model of economy is responsible for a life of low wages and long hours for its employees. It creates inequality in society as the more talented and innovative people build strong financial position compared to less dexterous individuals. Adding, poverty rates which were substantially higher in recent years in UK, where the economy is essentially followed by Anglo Saxon economy model (Schmidt, Vivien A, 2002).State led capitalism economy advocates for the principle of individual rights. Consistent and rapid economic growth is the proven outcome of this economy. Human welfare is common in this economy. Its decentralised system of coordination is the greatest strength of its economy. But it has also some negative factors in its model. Because of more government intervention, social evils like nepotism, corruption, poor management may hurt the growth rate.In join Ki ngdom, Anglo Saxon model has allowed higher incomes for low paid workers, and at the same time it enhanced

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Reflection typography - Essay ExampleThis paper is a reflection of the raises by Leslie, Steele and Crouse, that I escorted. The movie by the diagnose of Peace out was released in 2011 basic all(prenominal)y it is a documentary or a short read that it can be called. Directed and written by Charles Wilkinson, it takes into account the city of Vancouver and the problems in it. These problems, of course are environment related. It is the decision of choosing Hydro over Solar, stated in the most informal way possible. I happened to attend a lecture that was a raillery based on this short film. It focused on the problems that were take in Vancouver and used the documentary as a way to project their consequences and issues. It is in fact nigh cadence, that these global issues regarding push crisis and environmental damage were brought attention. Personally, this issue is something which I feel needs to get the supreme attention and needs to be turn to globally. No one person c an fix it, merely the contributions of every individual can definitely, without a doubt, bring a halt to the disastrous end that is inevitable. The discussion was primarily focusing on Vancouver as the documentary is based on it. The need of electricity and with the quick increase in development, there is bound to be a much bigger demand for it indeed the need of hydro electrical precedent will automatically increase. Since, the question is of the Peace River, on which a power Dam was built and it caused the river to back up by 80 Kilometers. The movie was extremely explicit as it openly blamed the brass for wanting to make money, and putting their monetary benefits before the lives of the hatful. Yes, this is exactly how heartbreaking this dam is. It is a pure rape of natural resources and destruction of our environment, says Greg Klymkiv. The Peace River is not except a beautiful, scenic place but it is a major habitat to a lot of animals. The lecture that I attended brou ght many solutions to shut off this from happening, but then again, one person cannot do the job. The government and corporates state that they have to take these measures in order to fulfill the rather increasing demand for energy and the people who are opposing this whole idea are not ready to decrease their consumption. It is absurd, and extremely difficult. On one hand there are demonstrations against the dam being built, and at the same time no one wants to cut down consumption. It is a cycle that we have created hence we have to stop it. On 14th, November, 2013, I happened to attend a lecture which almost reflected the same issue as addressed above. However, it now concerned the people more than the environment. It addressed the issues of the clash between the government and the people What the people want, and what the government gives. The lecture was given by Megan Leslie and Graham Steele. Once again, if normally stated, this is one of the most misconstrue relationships o f the world. Its almost like a blame game the people blame the government for all the bad things that happen and the government dumps their actions on the people by sugar coating it as their demands. The lecture was a rather thought clearing process, it made the audience realize where we are persecute and how can we overcome this gap and make it better for ourselves. The lecture, as informative as it was, to a true extent I found it like an eye opener. Personally, I have been amongst those people who are of

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Philosophy of healthcare in USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

doctrine of healthcare in USA - Essay ExampleThe target population includes the elderly especially the chronically ill older patients, children, and unemployed or underemployed populate. Much attention has been given to older people because of their poor health and it is estimated by 2050 thirty percent of the population in USA will inhabit of elderly people. It is estimated that over 45 million people in USA are either uninsurable or underinsured (Papadimos, 2007). This means that access to quality healthcare is little or none. In some instances policy-making agendas start out resulted in creating healthcare programs that are ineffective. This has downplayed the importance of better healthcare work to the population. The quality and nicety of healthcare services impact heavily on costs. The insured have access to better healthcare services than those uninsured. This means the uninsured and those unemployed or underemployed access cheap healthcare services that may be poor i n quality.The government should make sure that all people have access to quality healthcare regardless of their socioeconomic status. Health insurance policies should at least sulk the most vulnerable people in the population. Programs proposed by the Congress should be workable and

Identify and assess ways in which globalisation affects the Essay

Identify and assess ways in which globalisation affects the external business environment - Essay ExampleAs a result, businesses stool to change according to change in the environment. This will ensure the businesses are making extensive amelioration in serving the clients who need their products.To begin with, globalisation has led to provision of cheap labour in the business environment. In the previous decades, migrating from one place to another place was not an easy task. As such, there was minimal migration of people from one country to another. However, with developing globalisation, migration from one country to another has been make easy (Nederveen, 200913). As a result, people are migrating from one country to another with a change of reasons. One of the ostensible reasons for migration is looking for employment. Many people feel that they have a greater chance, curiously when comparing the remuneration when working in abroad countries. For example, there has been a re corded influx of immigrants in the United States. The ostensible reason for such immigrants is employment opportunities (French, 20089). This has increased the number of job seekers in the country. As such, the businesses and firms in the country have a variety of potential employees to delegate duties. This leads to critical decision making, oddly when employing workers. Many businesses rely on the immigrants, since they provide cheap labour. This is an approach by many businesses, since they save on costs (Sullivan and Kymlicka, 20079). This leads to enhanced profitability, as the businesses optimise the cheap labour. While this is positivity to immigrants, it elicits negative sentiments from the natives of the region. For example, many natives in a country may find it easy to get a well-paying job. This is due to the reliance on cheap labour from the immigrants, which has been instigated by globalisation (DiLuzio, 20087).Globalisation has led to optimisation and expansion of bus inesses across international borders (Bertho, Crawford and Fogarty, 200814).

Monday, April 22, 2019

Information Technology-Use of Statistical Measures in Research Essay

Information Technology-Use of Statistical Measures in Research - Essay ExampleThis paper studies the employment of two of the most common statistical measures used in information technology research to wit measures of central tendencies and variability.Statistics enables the researcher in viewing the imperturbable data in two ways. Descriptive statistics describes the fix of the data. Frequency and distri onlyion are forms of descriptive statistics that help in this. Descriptive statistics uses measures such as toy with, median, mode, coefficient of correlation ,covariance etc.This data may be a sample or population data and we may comport population mean compared to sample means etc. Inferential statistics attempts to fit a model to collected data and establishes causality .Inferential statistics also deals to develop predictive models which are based on causality analysis. In this paper mainly simple concepts of descriptive statistics are explored and inferential statistics is not touched upon. Statistical measures, not having real existence, simply support an argument or hypothesis and are just mental constructs. age statistics helps in summary organization of data, interpretation of the same, on its way to hypothesis, is the primary task of the researcher.Comparative embody of ownership analysis of Server Operating Systems was done with elaborate use of mean analysis and t test significance (Cahner, 1997). Mean and normal deviation model, multivariate model, Markov process model and time serial model were used as part of statistical technique in developing Misuse detection Systems (Christina, 1997).Statistical user profiles were used as part of multilayered security system (Steve, 1999).A combination of arithmetic mean, median and standard deviation gave sufficient support to help conclude on Survey results on Operating systems(David, 1998). news A basic primer of descriptive statistics is necessary not only for understanding such concepts but a lso for pointing to their specific use on research data. The most frequently used average is the Mean, which is the proportionateness point in a distribution. Its computation is simple - just add up the scores and separate by the number of scores.Formally mean is the value around which the deviations sum to zero.The formal definition also explains as to why informally one defines the mean as the balance point in a distribution. At mean value the positive and negative deviations balance each other out. A major drawback of the mean is that it moves in the direction of extreme scores. If in any two distributions most determine are to the highest degree same size however in one distribution one or two values are inordinately high then the mean of such a distribution would be pulled up greatly in comparison to the other distribution. This is a skewed distribution. For such skewed distributions, a diverse average, the Median, which is defined as the middle score is used. To get an ap proximate median, scores are put in order from low to high and count is made till middle score, which is set as median. The modality is simply the score with highest frequency. The mode is sometimes used in informal

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Issues That the Jerusalem Council Debated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Issues That the capital of Israel Council Debated - Essay ExampleThe resolution was communicated to all Christians.The Jerusalem council is a model to the church today. There have emerged many religious denominations in Christianity today. These denominations have differed in their breedings on baptism. Some groups believe in baptism by immersion while others maintain that the amount of pee does not matter for as long as one professes faith in Jesus. Debates on sexual orientation and expression have taken their toll on the church. This difference sometimes degenerates into open rancor and conflicts. Todays church should learn from the way the Jerusalem council would handle issues peacefully and with dialogue (Elmer 89). magical spell in Rome, capital of Minnesota got into trouble with the Jewish elders and chief priests. The elders and priests bound Paul when he would not haul preaching about the resurrection of Jesus, but he was saved by the officials of the emperor before they hurt him. When he was taken to Emperor Felix and supercharged with inciting people and causing chaos, he defended himself by explaining that the people were only fantastic with him for preaching about the resurrection of Jesus. Felix did not want to delve into Pauls case. He put him in detention until he left Caesarea. Festus his successor came to power (Harrison 57). He revisited Pauls case, and he conspired with Pauls opponents to hand him over to them so that they hurt him in the pretence of moving him to Jerusalem to depict him there.However, Paul declined, and when he appeared before Festus and King Agrippa, he pleaded with Caesarea as a Roman citizen. He charged that he had not contravened any roman or Jewish law, but he was only teaching about the resurrection of Jesus.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Interpersonal Negotiation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interpersonal Negotiation - Case Study ExampleWe would esteem if you allow us to build a road, and we will make sure that you wetlands see the least disturbance.2. Concerns dismiss be best addressed through the transformative approach only. This approach considers the problem as an opportunity for moral growth and empowerment of all parties involved rather than looking for a result only. Thus, all parties retrieve that they are an important part of decision-making process and reach a solution that is acceptable to all involved. This enhances the relationships because the solution reached maximizes the collective gain.3. To save the relationship from destroying, the three groups should move with the collaborative and transformative approach. A win/lose dialog will destroy the relationships although a solution is reached much so mavinr. But it is important for the groups to sit down and deal the matter with each other rather than letting one party lead the others and making one l ose and the other win. It should be a win/win situation for all.4. If I was a negotiator for the first group, I would go to the second group myself rather than calling them to my office, and would make them understand wherefore the road construction was crucial. I would not impose upon them my plans and order them to move. I would compensate them their loss of scenic beauty through financial support and would make them understand the complexity of the

Friday, April 19, 2019

Life and Death of the Salt Marsh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Life and Death of the Salt Marsh - Essay ExampleThey are of great importance, in that they control the flow of waters reducing the chances of flooding in mainland. They also utilise excessive nutrients that would otherwise pollute the environment by growing various plant species. This discussion covers the wetland marshes of the east coast of North America. The salty marshes cover the whole of the eastern coast of North America. The most interest thing about these marshes is that it is very difficult to understand its nature. The marshes are observed to be partially of a solid form and partially of a mobile water form. It is barely possible to tell where the marshes arrest and where they end in the coastal ocean ( chromatic, J., and M., Teal 30). Any observer will definitely be treated to a rare spectacle, in that when the tide is low, the grass marshes weightys like wind and when the tides are rife, the sound changes to a musical tune of crackling marshes on in waters. However, one thing seems to be out-of-the-way about the marshes ring environment. The birds nutriment in the grassy marshes are known to sing and make noises unconstipated when the other entire creatures are still. This leaves a question as to whether the marshes affect the behavior of the other living organisms within its surrounding environment. ... The fact that some(a) people brush off consider the foul smell interchangeable to that of rotten eggs to be pleasant, raises concern. The feel touch and feel nature of these marshes is also controversial (Teal, J., and M., Teal 30). Some of the marshes are solid hard while others are soft and spongy. While one can step on some parts of the marshes comfortably and straitsover, at some parts, stepping on the marshes will afford the cornerstone and make the person go under. At some parts still, stepping on the marshes will slip a rebounce and spring back motion that resist the movement. While some marshes have roots that go in the grou nd and forms a hard surface, some lacks the rooting system. This creates two different scenarios, where one can walk comfortably on the marshes one hand and where one will sink into muddy ground so deep on the other hand. The combination of these features provides for the desired conducive environment of the animals living in marshes. Since some cannot live submerged on the salty waters of the marshes, they find refuge on the hard ground comprised of the marshes with the rooting system. The rest lives in the muddy ground, which is conducive for their survival. The greatest influence on the environmental surrounding of the marshes has been artificial rather than congenital. Because of human activities, the nature of the marshes environment has always fluctuated. The human activities such as construction has damaged the wetlands surrounding of the marshes and caused pollution. Though these activities are considered valuable to man, they cause him more harm than good. In their natural setting, the marshes are more beneficial to man than the subsequent converted forms. The marshes benefit both the fishermen at the sea and the

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Supreme court cases Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Supreme court field of studys - Case Study employmentThe victims are twelve Nigerians who have appealed to use the law recognized as Alien Statue in a civil case filed against companies that produce oil and were held creditworthy for being involved in the atrocities that took place during 1992 and 1995.another(prenominal) major case that has been highlighted and is to be inspectioned by the Supreme butterfly on tenth of October is Fisher v. University of Texas At Austin case, the case focuses upon racial discrimination in admission conducted at the undergraduate level. The case focuses on whether it is constitutionally acceptable to use such means while providing admission.The third major case is Florida v. Jardines and Florida v. Harris which bequeath be heard by the judge on October 31st, this case is regarding the fourth amendment rights related to to illegal searches do by law enforcement officers. In this case it is to be decided whether the Fourth Amendment right of the home proprietor was violated when a dog trained for narcotics detection purposes sniffed drugs outside the home.Another major case related to business that is to be reviewed by the Supreme Court on November 5th is Comcast Corp v. Behrend, in this case the judges have to decided whether Comcast Corp should be decertified or not for charging more than normal prices for providing rail line TV service as it is the company enjoys monopoly in the area of Philadelphia.On November 26th the Supreme Court is going to review the case of Vance v. Ball State University, in this it is to be decided whether an employer is to be held responsible for the harassing activities conducted by his/her supervisor within the organization. The situation is such that the supervisor had limited power over the employee and the assign of promoting, hiring and firing the employee was handed over o the supervisor.One case that the Supreme Court has accepted to review during the period of 2012

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Environmental sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Environmental sustainability - Essay ExampleIt would hence only be a question of time that military man ceases to exist. This paper discusses about environmental sustainability, in the first place focusing on the Brundtland Report about the same. This report not just considers the earths environmental decay, poverty, and hardship, but alike brings to fore the guess for a new era of economic growth and how this possibility can be realized. Environmentalists and scientists alike have tried to bring the situation under control by closely examining the environment as well as the earth. They have proposed several theories and steps that would help man to protect the environment and safeguard it. One such concept is sustainable victimization, which is the ability to make development sustainable (by) ensuring that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland, 1987). So, in other words, sustainable develop ment proposes some restraints on the use of resources, which are to be followed in straddle to change the present perishing situation of the environment to some extent. It is a known fact that poverty is no longer inevitable, gum olibanum, such a world, is prone to ecological and other catastrophes (Brundtland, 1987). ... Even after they are implemented, at that place arise several changes in the environment, which curb the overall impact that the strategies might have had, had the environment remained the same as to when the plans were originally prepared. Therefore, it becomes clear that there are a lot of issues which stand in the style of environmental sustainability and its success. According to the Brundtland report, some of these issues include population growth, food security, species and ecosystems, energy, industry and the urban challenge (Brundtland, 1987). universe of discourse growth relates with not just the ever increasing number of nation on the planet, but als o the way in which this number relate(s) to available resources (Brundtland, 1987). The resources available are limited, but the population keeps on expanding, thus making it obvious that sooner or later consumption would summation so much that the resources would be finished off completely. Another factor that poses an issue is the unawareness or lack of knowledge on part of the greater number of people, who do not know how to use the resources efficiently. Therefore, the increasing population demands for increase in educational facilities and awareness programs, in addition to increase in other requirements such as food, health care, energy supplies etc. The problem in terms of food security is that though the work of food has increased rapidly food is often not available where it is needed (Brundtland, 1987). Thus, poor people frequently suffer from hunger and starvation. Similarly, when population grows, environmental risks such as pollution through factor of increased number of transportation, factories and other chemical wastes also increase. In the case of species and

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Prison Break Essay Example for Free

Prison drop dead EssayPrison break is an American television series just entering the second season. It is a drama series set around a prison. This five star thriller is based in a prison named Fox River. The masterminded character, Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller) is the main actor in this series. He plays as a structural engineer, this comes in handy when he images to break out his step br opposite capital of Nebraska Burrows (Dominic Purcell), also acted as Drake in Blade Trinity out of prison. Lincoln Burrows (Purcell) is the only family he has, and is on death row, convicted of the murder of the offense presidents brother. In actual fact, the vice presidents brother is hiding. This scheme was set up by the vice president herself and her right hand man, working with the secret service agent Paul Kellerman. (Paul Adelstein) Lawyer Veronica Donovan (Robin Tunney) investigates a conspiracy that takes place indicating that Lincoln Burrows was framed for the murder. The ev idence was destroyed and Veronica could not get Lincoln exonerated. When a date was set for the execution of Lincoln, Michael has to think fast about how he is going to prevail this plan. He has plans of the prison tattooed all over his body.These blueprints are camouflaged by artwork of devils and angels and so not anyone can see it and understand it apart from him. Any phrases or important words would be tattooed backwards or inverted and only could be recognized seeing it through a mirror. He deliberately robs a bank firing a gunshot on the ceiling to acquire maximum certificate and gets caught in cristaltionally and gets sent to the same prison as his brother. The action inside the prison is full of hesitation as the series continues. Michael has to persuade several other prisoners who are important for this work to happen.Predictably other prisoners acknowledge that in that location is a scheme going on and they have to be part of the escape for obvious reasons. Psychopat h Theodore Bagwell (Robert Knepper) known as T-Bag as his nickname, is a perfect example of why this visualise is so great. His character is a murder and rapist. His emetic performance is what gets the viewers gripped. Throughout the series there is another plot of whats happening outside the walls. Veronica is working hard to end this conspiracy or to delay the execution. This is not an easy task as she is fighting against the government.The second season is when the cons are on the run. Fernando Sucre, Benjamin Franklin, John Abruzzi, Theodore T-bag Bagwell, Charles Patoshik, David Apolskis, Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows are the Fox River 8 MOST WANTED MEN IN AMERICA. The phrase MOST WANTED sums up the feelings of how the cops would really like to catch them. After the breakout the cons go for their way to the airstrip to board a plane that should wait there to pick them up. The plane was unmapped and identified by an inspector. The pilot had to leave the cons behind aft er being suspicious.This is a difficult spotlight for Scofield and the viewers are worried that the fugitives will be apprehended. He proves his intelligence by having a plan B if they never made it to the airstrip. They all go their different ways to uncover five millions dollars inhumed in Utah by an inmate that was killed in Fox River. The break out becomes a federal matter and FBIs have to get involved. Special conniving agent FBI Alexander Mahone (William Fitchtner) is at almost the same intelligence as Scofield and is a real obstacle for him.This undeniable amazing series caught over ten million viewers. Brett Ratner, the director of Prison Break has turned famous after directing the best series with the highest ratings. On www. reviewit. com, 10,000 blogs show the people love the excitement and the suspense they get watching this series. Show prevue only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of umteen that can be found in our GCS E Miscellaneous section.

Farewell to Manzanar Essay Example for Free

Farewell to Manzanar EssayOn December 7, 1941 there was a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii by Japan. The attack came from the Japanese, yet it ca utilize unfounded fear in this country to fightd Japanese Americans. The book Farewell to Manzanar by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston depicts the reactions of the governing and the American public toward Japanese Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor. So why were they the ones punished for it?We still see examples of wide assumptions, hypocrisy, and discrimination during this time in our nations history that can be related to our give community since we continue to categorize, generalize and overreact. The fear, hatred and racism directed toward Japanese Americans came out in diametrical centerings. A primary example was that Americans assumed the Nisei ( citizenry of Japanese descent who were born(p), raised and were living in the U. S. ), Issei (Japanese who were born in Japan, but were living in the U. S. ), and the enemy Japanese were all the same with respect to their verity for the U.S. Many saw no differences between these three groups.This is sh take in the book when Mr. Wakatsuki (the father of author and of import character Jeanne Wakatsuki) was interviewed by the Justice Department. The interview focused on a picture of Mr. Wakatsukis commercialized fishing boat, which had two fifty-gallon drums attached. The Justice Department assumed he was using the drums to deliver oil to Japanese submarines off the coast of California. Mr. Wakatsuki was a commercial fisherman, and the drums were actually used to carry chum, which is fishing bait make of ground-up fish heads.Even though Mr. Wakatsuki had received his American citizenship, the Justice Department wrongfully assumed that he was using his boat illegally simply because he was of Japanese descent. They questioned his loyalty to America. This was very hypocritical of the government because in America, as citizens, we su pposedly all come equal rights and freedoms. When the government questioned Mr. Wakatsuki in this assumptious manner, they took away his rights and freedoms. In many communities today, an example of making assumptions would be the way people view carnival workers as possible troublemakers.Another challenge Japanese Americans had to deal with was discrimination. They experienced this when only Japanese Americans were targeted and forced to move into impoundment camps. Jeanne and her family lived in one called Manzanar, near Independence, California. They stayed there for almost three years. Whenever a Japanese family boarded a coach headed for one of the camps, they were given a family number. This number was used by the camp officials to refer to the families. They werent up to now called by their names. This is an example of discrimination.When the buses arrived at the camps, they were forced to live in barracks. These barracks were virtually paper-thin shacks put together with the least amount of effort possible, in order to finish them in time for the arrival of the Japanese Americans. more or less barracks had very little living space. In the case of Jeannes family, there were sixteen people in a space about the size of a living room. They ate in mess halls and used latrines with no partitions. The American government treated the Japanese Americans as though they were prisoners of war in their own country.The lack of minority residents in Livingston County would make it appear that minorities are discriminated against. The high cost of living office few minority residents can afford to live here. This could be described as passive discrimination. When Jeanne and her family at long last do make it out of Manzanar, she was in the sixth grade and in a classroom of predominately snow-white students. In the beginning, the teacher had simple expectations of her. Later, the teacher asked Jeanne if she wanted to read aloud for their reading lesson.She agre ed. After she was done, a little girl, quite innocently, said, Gee, I didnt know you could speak English. This was what the war, and being in internment camps did to the Japanese Americans. In spite of being American citizens, it made them look like foreigners in their own country. In the community of Fowlerville, there are people discriminated against. An example would be the communitys attitude toward people who live in mobile home parks. These individuals are often called trailer trash.They are looked vote out upon because people think theyre from a low-income level and often thought to be involved in illegal activities. Some people may argue that The Japanese Americans deserved to be treated the way they did. This, however, is not true at all. They were Americans just like the rest of us, and if the constitution was really what we governed ourselves by, other Americans should induct been ripped from their homes as well. The Japanese Americans mistreatment wasnt fair, just, or called for by any means, and it should not have happened.Although what the Japanese Americans went through was years ago, we still see examples of inaccurate attitudes of discrimination, and assumptions based on fear and out-of-date concerns today. Its sad to say that even after having fought two world wars, this country still cannot flog these issues. The First and Second World Wars were won, but the war against misunderstanding is still being fought. Maybe someday, when this war has been won, we can truly be considered the greatest country on earth.

Monday, April 15, 2019

The interpretation that Lenin was a dictator Essay Example for Free

The interpretation that Lenin was a potentate tryHistorians much(prenominal) as Pipes and Volkogonov have a bun in the oven made the interpretation that Lenin was a potentate. As he get marrieded policies such as war fabianism and the establishment of the Cheka. However their historical storys can be ch solelyenged, referable to their in-person opinions. Other historians, such as Hill, believe that Lenin was not a dictator, as his policies were enforce on him by the Russian draw. then Lenin was not a dictator, as he was merely responding to the acidulous Russian circumstances and was able to adopt flexible policies such as NEP. Lenin has been seen as a dictator through his centralization of the state by 1924. This is because a centralised one-party absolutism goerned Soviet Russia. The Politburo became the bolshie organisation, which dominated government activity institutions and the main(prenominal) decision- make. Also Lenins decision to form an entirely ne w body of goernment, the Sovnakom, while the Soviet existed and should have been made as the main body of government, showed that Lenin had no intention of sharing power with other socialist groups in the Soviet. The Sovnakom commandd by legislation with by going to the Soviet for approval. Thus the centralisation of the state in Russia can be seen as dictatorial as it limited the semi policy-making influence of other policy-making groups, while it strengthened the authority of the Bolshevik, through the establishment of Sovnakom, which Lenin chaired.Pipes is one of the Historians who believe that the centralisation of power had allowed Lenin to pee-pee a one-party dictatorship1, as Lenins party was a precursor of a new type of policy-making organisation that would be emulated before long by mass-based dictators2. Thus this historian is offering that Lenin creation of the Sovnakom, allowed his party to rule Russia through dictatorial federal agency. This opinion is to an ex tent true, as the creation of the Sovnakom showed that the main decision making was interpreted by the Bolshevik centre with little account taken of other political viewpoints. However, Pipes historical account can not be held reliable, mainly for his personal views on Lenin and collectivism, and also on the fact that on that point were circumstances outside Lenins deem that agonistic him to use the Sovnakom rather than working effectively with the Central administrator Committee, such as the gracious warfare.The Politburo is also seen as a dictatorial institution that allowed Lenin to extend his dictatorship. The Politburo was the leading(p) decision-making body of the Communist Party it more and more took power from the Sovnakom as the key decisions were made in the Politburo. muchover the Politburo consisted of members chosen by the Central Committee. Volkogonov explains that at that place was never a debate about it power3 this he believes was achieved as State power has been handed over to the so-cal lead Party organ which was in fact the main instrument of the Bolshevik dictatorship4. This historian is suggesting that through the Politburo the Bolsheviks were able to rule Russia in a form of dictatorship, this is because they had the means of control and could pass decrees without considering other political viewpoints.The view that Lenin was a dictator because of the way he controlled political power could be challenged some historians belief that the creation of both the Sovnakom and the Politburo was a necessary measure, imposed on Lenin due to the circumstances created by the obliging War. It bes unlikely that Lenin would have moved so quickly towards a highly centralised state had it not been for the urbane War, which created the stinting chaos in which the country establish it self in 1918. The nature of the well-behaved War meant that there was little time to carry out consultation with the Soviet and other bodies. Emergency decisi ons needed to be taken quickly, olibanum decision making be get along more centralised. This view is supported by the fact that, in Nizhniy-Novgorod, the local Mafia of dense marketers who defied capital of the Russian Federation controlled everything.So it is under(a)standable the regime should have used the party structure to gain more centralised control of government bodies and bring some sort of order to the chaos. hence the action at laws of Lenin were pragmatic replys to the problems the Civil War forced on him, and they were not dictatorial, as Lenin had no choice. Overall, the centralisation of power does not suggest that Lenin was a dictator, this is because it was a pragmatic response to the chaos created by the Civil War, and also Lenin had lost control over the Politburo due to his ill health, towards the end of his time in power the Politburo is regarded to have become increasingly dictatorial. Thus the actions taken by the Politburo were not Lenins responsibilit y, they were the responsibility of Bolshevik party itself. Therefore Lenin cannot be seen as a dictator.Historians have interpreted Lenin as a dictator due his use of red ink panic. It was introduced after the attempt on Lenins life on 30 August 1918. The Red Terror is seen as a dictatorial action as it was the use of force to establish more political control over the Russian society. Thus Red Terror was used against every political opposite word, which seems dictatorial. Pipes who views the Red Terror, as certify that Lenin was a dictator, believes that Red Terror was not a reluctant response to the actions of others but a interference measure designed to nip in the bud any though of resistance to the dictatorship5, thus this historian supports the idea that the Red Terror was used to form a dictatorship, as it restricted political license in Russia. This is because the Red Terror was aimed at former officials, landlords and priests who were executed.Any opposition to the Bol shevik Party governance was dealt with by violence. Peasants who resisted the requisitioning of their crops or who hoarded grain were often shot at. Industrial unrest was similarly crushed. Therefore the Bolshevik regime was aware of the fact that there may be some opposition to the regime from, consequently the regime chose to use the Red Terror in order to deal with any possible opposition. Thus some historians see this as a dictatorial action. Volkogonov also views the Red Terror as a cling to power at any cost6. He believes that Lenin wanted to stay in power at the cost of the Russian lives that may oppose him, thus Lenin chose to end this opposition either with physical apprehension, shooting, or through the use of concentration camps.Another aspect of the little terror, which leads many historians of accusing Lenin as a dictator is the formation of the CHEKA7. This became the state institution8 to deal with any form of opposition to the regime. Historians believe that Len in can be seen as dictatorial as he chose to deal with the opposition by terrorist means, and that he felt no qualms in resorting to merciless terror.9Pipes believes that Lenin is a dictator as he planned to use terror before there had been any organised opposition against him. He explains that the CHEKA, or secret police, the main agency of the Red Terror was effected in December 1917, before there was any organised resistance to the new regime.10, thus this shows that the CHEKA was only used to maintain the power of the Bolshevik regime and to treasure Lenins authority.This view is supported by Volkogonov who believes that in order for Lenin to protect his authority he needed only one device, merciless dictatorship11. This historian is clearly stating that Lenins use of terror was a merciless dictatorship aimed at protecting his regime from any opponents. For example in August 1918 Lenin ordered ruthless measures against rich peasants who were resisting the regime and in particu lar its requisitioning of forage. Therefore the CHEKA can be seen by historians such as Pipes and Volkogonov as a clear evidence of the dictatorship of Lenin. This is because the CHEKA and the Red Terror helped Lenin to establish more control over opposition in Russia. However, the account of these cardinal historians can be challenged, as Pipes is an anti-Marxist and despises Lenin, while Volkogonov is an ex-general in the Russian army and does not approve of Soviet policies, so both historians hold biased views and. In addition to their historical opinions there are historical facts suggesting their argument is wrong.The interpretation that Lenin used terror simply as a means of enforcing his policies and establishing control has been questioned by other historians who see the policy of the Red Terror as a temporary measure forced on Lenin due to the circumstances they also believe the terror was not used entirely by Lenin, Red Terror was rather a response to terror he faced. L avers opinion on the Red Terror is that Terror met Terror12. Here he is referring to the Civil War, in which the Whites were using terror as well. During the Civil War, Baron Wrangel, a White leader in the Crimea ordered the execution of 300 prisoners of war, while the one thousand leader Antonov allowed his army of peasants to bury alive captured communist. Thus this historian is suggesting that Lenin only seemed to respond to the situations he was in, and had no intention of controlling political opposition. Lenin was not the only one using terror, there were other political organisations that did use terror.Hence he was in a situation in which he had to use terror as a response. Other historians also believe that Lenin was in a threat from the first endorsement he come into power, thus he needed to use terror in order to protect his authority. This view is supported by Liebman, who believes that Lenins motive- to defend the soviet power against the attacks of counter revolution aries13, led him to use terror as he was facing opposition from 1917. This is proven by the fact that the opposition to Lenin came both from at heart Russia and from outside Russia. On 10 November 1917 the Morning Post in London called for direct military action against the Bolsheviks, also as the Bolsheviks seized power in October 1917 Kerensky and General Krasnov attempted to rally an army onto Petrograd in November 1917.This therefore shows that Lenin faced opposition and a terror threat from the first moment he came to power, thus he merely responded to this terror. Overall, Lenin used the Red Terror as a response to the terror that already existed in Russia when he had come to power. Lenin established the Red Terror after he had faced threats from both indoors Russia and from foreign intervention, thus Lenin cannot be seen as a dictator. This is because Lenin did not establish terror for personal avocation and to control all political opposition, he established the terror in order to deal with terrorist opposition in the same way any regime would.The use of the CHEKA is also viewed by Service as a temporary measure, he believes that Lenin believed that the need for such an organisation would be only temporaryLenin did not at this stage call for a campaign of extensive mass terror14. This view is right, as Lenin saw the CHEKA as a temporary measure to protect the Bolshevik regime during its infancy to ensure its excerpt. Furthermore, the CHEKA was temporary, as during the Civil War the role of the CHEKA had declined.Overall, both the Red Terror and the CHEKA were a temporary response to the circumstances and a necessary body to contain the counter-revolution threat facing the Bolsheviks. Furthermore any regime that is newly established into a nation needs to protect itself from terrorist opposition. Thus Lenin cannot be seen as a dictator because he established a temporary measure as a response to the Russian circumstances.One of the reasons wherefore Lenin is accused of be a dictator is the policy of War Communism. War Communism was a decree introduced by Lenin, it established strong centralised control over areas of production and distribution in the areas under Bolshevik control. War Communism can be seen as dictatorial policy as it cut workers involvement in factories Factory Committees lost the ability to manage their work places. Instead party officials took over this role which led to Bolshevik control over the preservation. It also included the requisition of grain from peasants in rural areas by force this caused unrest to increase as a result Lenin was forced to top his measures with the terror of the CHEKA.The view that War Communism is dictatorial is expressed by Volkogonov who believes that War Communism was a harsh regulation, as there was an acute food shortage in 1920 and a famine in 1921, in which 10 million Russians died. Volkogonov also believes that the dominance of the state over society which Lenin appr ovedensured the adoption of War Communism15. Volkogonov expresses a view in which Lenin appears to have approved of complete control over all aspect of society, and it was his attitude towards the government of Russia that led the way for War Communism. Thus Volkogonov is stating that Lenin is a dictator because of the policies that he introduced to Russia. However, erudite that Volkogonov was an ex-general in the Russian army, and had to leave due to his political views of the communist regime, his views cannot be seen as reasonable due to his biased and anti-Leninist feelings.The interpretation that War Communism was dictatorial is also perplexing because, to an extent, the control of War Communism was needed, as most factory committees were not professional and experienced enough to control production for the Civil War, nor did they have the ability to organise the supplies for the cities and Red Army.It can therefore also be argued that Lenin was not a dictator, for example Hi ll argues, that Lenins choices to introduce War Communism were caused by temporary desperate necessities16. This suggests that Lenins actions were not of a dictatorial intention and that Lenins adaptation of War Communism was a mere response to the harsh economic problems. Although Hill is a biased historian, as he was a Marxist and sympathetic to Lenin, there were harsh conditions, due to the treaty of Brest Litovsk and the Civil War so his interpretation is still credible. The view that War Communism was not dictatorial is also supported by Laver, who believes that War Communism was the response of a regime desperate to feed the towns17. Production in Russia collapsed as the transport of goods and raw materials was totally disrupted by the Civil War the allies blockaded communist territory, mainly Petrograd, and prevented it receiving foreign switch.This led to the population of Moscow and Petrograd being halved of the 2.6 million workers in 1917 only 1.2 million was left working in 192018. Thus there was a need of an economy that was temporarily controlled by the state in order to ensure that cities were provided with food from the countryside and that production continued during the Civil War. Most importantly it can not be overlooked that War Communism was only a temporary measure. As soon as the Civil War come to an end War Communism was replaced by the New sparing Policy which granted workers more than the immunity they had before the Civil War, and the peasants a liberty which they had never had. Laver, who holds a neutral view of both Lenin and communist revolution, believes that War Communism was a response to the Russian problems. He states that the policies were brought in piecemeal in response to the critical circumstances which prevailed in Russia19.Therefore this view also supports the argument that the economic problems led Lenin to adopt the policies of War Communism. Service also believes that The onset of Civil War had intervened and ne cessitated emergency measures that he now referred to as War Communism20, therefore the view of Service, who is a neutral historian, supports the view of both Hill and Laver that Lenin was led to adopt the policies of War Communism due to the Civil War. Overall, Lenin cannot be easily accused of being a dictator as he adopted the policy of War Communism. This policy involved emergency measures that were imposed on Lenin as production fell and the Civil War started, Lenin had no intention of using the economy to establish personal power as he was willing to grant back political license as soon as the Civil War was over.The New Economic Policy (NEP) could be seen by some historians as one of the policies that proves Lenin was a dictator. They suggest that Lenin was desperate to keep power therefore he introduced NEP which only gave limited economic freedom and introduced political restraints to ensure that no power was lost.Historians such as Pipes question Lenins motives for introdu cing NEP, they dont believe that it was done to grant freedom but in order to maintain power. Pipes claims that NEP was a temporary measure only introduced as a period of relaxed tension so that a raw offensive would be launched to exterminate the bourgeois for good21. Pipes view is to an extent is right, as the introduction of NEP was accompanied by strict measures of political control such as a final ban on all political parties other than the Bolsheviks.This suggests that Lenin was not willing to compromise his power, and he kept control of the commanding senior high of the economy, thus had no real intention of granting the freedom that NEP seemed to promise. Pipes also suggest that for the Bolsheviks the grain monopoly was essential to the survival of communist dictatorship22, and that the Bolsheviks needed to regain the peasants loyalty in order to establish their dictatorship. However this interpretation is questionable as the Bolsheviks intended to regain the loyalty of t he peasantry for a better agriculture that would help to develop a better industry. Pipes view is biased, as he holds an anti-Lenin felling. Pipes served as President Reagans national security advisor on soviet affairs during 1981-82 thus he holds a very negative opinion towards Communism and Lenin in particular. Pipes view is therefore questionable.The introducation of NEP was after War Communism, this shows that Lenin was willing to grant freedom. This, ascertains that Lenin was in fact far from being a dictator as he granted the peasantry a freedom that they never had before and he allowed the agriculture and trade to develop in private hands. Services view that NEP allowed greater legal freedom for the peasantry to trade grain than had previously been available to them23, is a more of a convincing view, as NEP allowed the peasants to trade the remainder of the grain anyway they wished. Thus the freedom that has been granted to the peasants proves that Lenin had no intention of a cting as a dictator.NEP is therefore evidence that Lenin is not a dictator. It showed flexibility and the ability to compromise on ideology, which is not often related to dictators. Furthermore, NEP was able to restore confidence in Russians, workers and farmers returned to their work, which did help the economy. Overall, the NEP is another reason why Lenin cannot be seen as a dictator. This is because Lenin was able to see the errors that had been caused by War Communism and offer an substitute that did not agree with his ideology. NEP therefore proves that Lenin is far from being a dictator as it helped to improve the Russian economy and it replaced a temporary policy, which was not suitable for Russia after the Civil War.Overall, Lenin was not a dictator as he had no intention of being so, Lenin merely responded to the circumstance that faced him, although these responses may seem unsuitable Lenin did retreat from some of them, such as the move from War Communism to the New Econ omic Policy after the Civil War. Thus Lenin cannot be seen as a dictator.1 R.Pipes- The Russian alteration summon 5062 R.Pipes- The Three Whys of The Russian Revolution paginate 383 D.Volkogonov-Lenin Life and bequest page 3064 D.Volkogonov-Lenin Life and Legacy page 30756 D.Volkogonov- Lenin Life and Legacy page 2377 The Extra-ordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage was founded in December 1917.8 D.Volkogonov- Lenine Life and Legacy page 2369 R.Pipes- Three Whys Of The Russian Revolution page 4110 R.Pipes- Three Whys Of The Russian Revolution page 4111 D.Volkogonov- Lenin Life and Legacy page 47212 J.Laver- Lenin Liberator or Oppressor page 6213 M. Liebman- Leninism Under Lenin page 31514 R.Service- Lenin a Biography page 322.15 D.Volkogonov- Lenin Life and Legacy- page 334.16 C.Hill- Lenin and the Russian Revolution- page 133.17 J.Laver- Lenin Liberator or Oppressor- page70.18 P.Oxley- Russia from Tsars to Commissars- page 128.19 J.Laver- Lenin Libera tor or Oppressor- page70.20 R.Service- Lenin a Biography- page 430.21 R.Pipes- The Russian Revolution- page22 R.Pipes- The Russian Revolution- page23 R.Service-Lenin a Biography- page

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Reproductive Health in Nursing Essay Example for Free

Reproductive Health in Nursing EssayReproductive Health Bill was introduced by Congresswoman Bellaflor J. Angara -Castillo is also known as Reproductive Health Care Act of 2002,assembled at Senateand mark of Representatives of the Philippines, and now known as House Bill 5043 of 2008. Its been years since the flush was approved in the senate, due to some churchconflicts, biomedical ethical issues and some scientific research conflicts.Today thereare still practicall(a)y of Filipino citizen who are now fully aware about this bill and why this billwas imposed.Before I salvage this reaction paper I had to read the Bill twice and read somearticles, reaction and comments in the net I had read books and research which isrelated to reproductive health, sex education and Bioethics, for me to fully understandwhat was the RH bill all about and the reason of the creation of this bill. Poverty, the main problems that the Philippine is facing today and they say thatthe primary factors th at give-up the ghost to poverty is due to overpopulation, the Philippines has apopulation of 64,318,120 in 1990.Today the population is ballooning and estimated toover 94 million according to current census and the top 12 thcountry having the mostpopulation. The population is growing by about 2 percent a year, giving the Philippinesone of the worlds highest population-growth rates.This is one of the reasons of the creation of the Reproductive Health bill to give asolution to poverty by eradicating the overpopulation problem, by implementing familyplanning, sex education and prevent the sexually transmitted disease.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Satellite. Solar system Essay Example for Free

broadcast. Solar outline EssayA planet is defined as any object that countrys any other object. Satellites can buoy be celestial, such as a moon orbiting a planet in the solar dust, or a planet in the solar system orbiting the sun. Satellites can in like manner be man-made. Man-made major planets ar typic all(prenominal)y launched into outer space from body politic to collect data, photos and other information about landed estate and all the many things that exist around it.An animation depicting the orbits of GPS satellites in medium earth orbit. A wide size model of the Earth observation satellite ERS 2In the context of spaceflight, a satellite is an object which has been placed into orbit by human endeavor. Such objects are sometimes called sentimental satellites to advert them from natural satellites such as the Moon. The first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. Since then, thousands of satellites flip been launched into orbit around the Earth.These originate from more than 50 countries and have used the satellite launching capabilities of decennary nations. A few space probes have been placed into orbit around other bodies and become artificial satellites to the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Satellites are used for a large number of purposes. Common types include military and civilian Earth observation satellites, communications satellites, navigation satellites, prevail satellites, and research satellites. quadruplet stations and human spacecraft in orbit are also satellites.Satellite orbits vary abundantly, depending on the purpose of the satellite, and are classified in a number of ways. Well-known (overlapping) classes include low Earth orbit, polar orbit, and geostationary orbit. Satellites are ordinarily semi-in strung-out computer-controlled systems. Satellite subsystems attend many tasks, such as power generation, thermal control, telemetry, attitude control and orbit control. HISTORY OF ARTIFICIAL SATELLITESSputnik 1 The first artificial satelliteThe first artificial satellite was Sputnik 1, launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957, and initiating the Soviet Sputnik program, with Sergei Korolev as chief designer. This in turn triggered the Space quicken between the Soviet Union and the United States. Sputnik 1 facilitateed to identify the density of senior high school atmospheric layers by means of measurement of its orbital change and provided data on tuner-signal distribution in the ionosphere. The unanticipated announcement of Sputnik 1s victory precipitated the Sputnik crisis in the United States and ignited the so-called Space Race within the Cold War. Sputnik 2 was launched on November 3, 1957 and carried the first living passenger into orbit, a dog named Laika.TYPES OF SATELLITECommunication satellitesCommunication satellites provide a worldwide linkup of radio, telephone, and television. The first communication satellite was Echo 1, launched in 1960. Relay 1 and telstar 1 were the first active communications satellites. They were launched in 1962.Navigation satellitesNavigation satellites are mainly intended to help aircraft, ships and nuclear submarines. These satellites provide constant signals by which aircraft and ships can determine their positions with great accuracy.Weather satellitesWeather satellites enthral cameras and other instruments pointed toward Earths atmosphere. They can provide advance warning of severe weather and are a great aid to weather forecasting.Military satellites Many military satellites are similar to commercial ones, but they take aim encrypted data that only a special receiver can decipher. Military surveillance satellites take pictures incisively as other earth-imaging satellites do, but cameras on military satellites usually have a higher resolution.scientific satellitesEarth-orbiting satellites can provide data to map Earth, determine the size and shape of Earth, and study the dynamics of the oceans and the atmosphere. Scientists also use satellites to observe the Sun, the Moon, other planets and their moons, comets, stars, and galaxies.HOW ARE SATELLITES LAUNCHEDThe trick when launching a satellite is to get it high enough to do its job without losing the capsule to outer space. Its a delicate balance of push and pull, effected by the inertia of the moving object and the Earths gravity.GEOSYNCHRONOUS SATELLITE LAUNCH VEHICLEThe Geosynchronous Satellite emit Vehicle (usually known by its abbreviation, GSLV) is an expendable launch system operated by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). It was developed to enable India to launch its INSAT-type satellites into geostationary orbit and to make India less dependent on foreign rocket engines.GSLVGeosynchronous Satellite Launch VehicleFunctionMedium Lift Launch SystemManufacturerISRO artless of origin IndiaSizeH octet49 metres (161 ft)Diameter2.8 metres (9 ft 2 in)Mass402,000 kilograms (890,00 0 lb)Stages3Capacity lading toLEO5,100 kilograms (11,000 lb)Payload toGTO2,000 to 2,500 kilograms (4,400 to 5,500 lb)Launch scoreStatusActiveLaunch sitesSatish DhawanTotal launches6 (5 Mk.I, 1 Mk.II)Successes2 (Mk.I)Failures3 (2 Mk.I, 1 Mk.II)Partial failures1 (Mk.I)Maiden flightMk.I 18 April 2001Mk.II 15 April 2010Boosters (Stage 0)No boostersFourEngines1 L40H Vikas 2Thrust680 kilonewtons (150,000 lbf)Total thrust2,720 kilonewtons (610,000 lbf) specialized impulse262 unsweet hack time160 secondsFuelN2O4/UDMHFirst StageEngines1 S139Thrust4,700 kilonewtons (1,100,000 lbf) circumstantial impulse166 sec prick time100 secondsFuelHTPB ( solidness)Second StageEngines1 GS2 Vikas 4Thrust720 kilonewtons (160,000 lbf) unique(predicate) impulse295 s (2.89 kNs/kg)Burn time150 secondsFuelN2O4/UDMH 3rd Stage (GSLV Mk.I) 12KRBEngines1 KVD-1Thrust69 kilonewtons (16,000 lbf)Specific impulse460 s (4.5 kNs/kg)Burn time720 secondsFuelLOX/LH2Third Stage (GSLV Mk.II) CUS12Engines1 ICEThrust73.5 kilon ewtons (16,500 lbf)Specific impulse460 s (4.5 kNs/kg)Burn time720 secondsFuelLOX/LH2LIQUID BOOSTERSOne of the strap-ons of GSLV-F04 being brought to the Vehicle Assembly expression The GSLV uses four L40 liquid strap-on boosters derived from the L37.5 second form, which are loaded with 40 tons of hypergolic propellants (UDMH N2O4). The propellants are stored in tandem bicycle in two independent tanks 2.1 m diameter. The engine is pump-fed and generates 680 kN (150,000 lbf) of thrust. First stageS139 stage is 2.8 m in diameter and is made of M250 grade maraging steel and it has a nominal propellant loading of 139 t. Second stageThe second stage is powered by the Vikas engine. It has 2.8 m diameter and uses 37.5 metric tons of liquid propellants with UDMH as fuel and nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) as oxidizer, in two aluminium alloy compartments screend by a common bulk head. It delivers 720 kN (160,000 lbf) of thrust. Third stageGSLV Mk.II D3The third stage is propelled by a cryogenic rocket engine, 2.8 m in diameterand uses liquid hydrogen (LH2) and liquid oxygen (LOX) in two separate tanks of aluminium alloy interconnected by an inter-stage. Propellant loading is 12.5 t. The indigenous cryogenic engine was build in Tamil Nadu at the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre.POLAR SATELLITE LAUNCH VEHICLEThe frigid Satellite Launch Vehicle commonly known by its abbreviation PSLV is an expendable launch system developed and operated by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). It was developed to allow India to launch its Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites into sun synchronous orbits. PSLV can also launch small size satellites into geostationary transfer orbit (GTO). The PSLV has launched 41 satellites (19 Indian and 22 from other countries) into a variety of orbits till date. frosty Satellite Launch VehiclePSLV-C8 (CA Variant) carrying the AGILE x-ray and -ray astronomical satellite of the ASI lifting off from SriharikotaFunctionMedium Lift Launch SystemManu facturerISROCountry of origin IndiaSizeHeight44 metres (144 ft)Diameter2.8 metres (9 ft 2 in)Mass294,000 kilograms (650,000 lb)Stages4CapacityPayload toLEO3,250 kilograms (7,200 lb)Payload toHCO1,600 kilograms (3,500 lb)1Payload toGTO1,060 kilograms (2,300 lb)1Launch historyStatusActiveLaunch sitesSriharikotaTotal launches17PSLV 10PSLV-CA 6PSLV-XL 1Successes15PSLV 8PSLV-CA 6PSLV-XL 1Failures1 (PSLV)Partial failures1 (PSLV)Maiden flightPSLV 20 September 1993PSLV-CA 23 April 2007PSLV-XL 22 October 2008Notable payloadsChandrayaan-1Boosters (Stage 0) boosters6Engines1 solidThrust502.600 kNSpecific impulse262 secBurn time44 secondsFuelHTPB (solid)First stageEngines1 solidThrust4,860 kNSpecific impulse269 secBurn time105 secondsFuelHTPB (solid)Second stageEngines1 VikasThrust725 kNSpecific impulse293 secBurn time158 secondsFuelN2O4/UDMHThird stageEngines1 solidThrust328 kNSpecific impulse294 secBurn time83 secondsFuelSolidFourth stageEngines2 liquidThrust14 kNSpecific impulse308 secBurn t ime425 secondsFuelMMH/UDMHPSLV is designed and developed at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram and Kerala. The inertial systems are developed by ISRO inertial Systems Unit (IISU) at Thiruvananthapuram. The liquid propulsion stages for the second and fourth stages of PSLV as well as the chemical reaction control systems are developed by the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), also at Thiruvananthapuram. The solid propellant motors are processed by Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR, which also carries out launch operations. afterward some delays, the PSLV had its first launch on 20 September 1993. Although all main engines performed as expected, an lift control problem was reported in the second and third stages. After this initial setback, ISRO met complete achievement with the third developmental launch in 1996. Further successful launches followed in 1997, 1999, and 2001. PSLV continues to be the work knight of Indian satellite launches, especially for LE O satellites and the Chandrayaan Projects. It has undergone several improvements with each subsequent version, especially those involving thrust, efficiency as well as weight.ORBITAn orbit is a regular, repeating path that an object in space takes around another one. An object in an orbit is called a satellite. A satellite can be natural, like the moon, or human -made. In our solar system, the Earth orbits the Sun, as do the other eight planets. They all travel on or near the orbital plane, an imaginary disk-shaped surface in space. all in all of the orbits are circular or elliptical in their shape. In addition to the planets orbits.HOW A SATELLITE assay IN THE ORBITThe forward motion of the satellite is its momentum. If the gravity of the earth is not acting on the satellite, the satellite would continue inone direction. The swinging of the satellite gives it its forward motion. When these two forces are equal, the satellite remains in orbit, without falling into or flying away from the Earth. A satellites forward motion is controlled by rockets. When the rockets are not fired, inertia keeps the satellite going in one direction.HOW SATELLITES WORKReceiving uplinked radio signals from earth satellite transmission stations (antennas). Amplifying received radio signalsSorting the input signals and directing the output signals by means of input/output signal multiplexers to the proper downlink antennas for retransmission to earth satellite receiving stations (antennas).MERITSIn communication.For military purposes.For weather broadcasting.In terrestrial application.Satellite Services.Satellite internet accessSatellite phoneSatellite radioSatellite televisionSatellite navigationDE-MERITSLifetime of a satellite is limited.Once damaged it is knockout to repair.Economically costly.A small damage in any part can destroy the consentient satellite.CONCLUSIONNow a days satellite is a basic communication media. any information can be transmitting from one point to another with the help of satellite. All nation are using satellites directly or indirectly.Without satellites the days cannot be imagined.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

How the Digital World May Change Essay Example for Free

How the Digital World May motley EssayThe rapidly changing societies with endlessly improving technology and occurrence of social digital technologies dramatically changed the way peck communicate and interact with each other making them all digital natives, digital residents, digital immigrants or digital visitors based on their generation or familiarization with technology. More and more(prenominal) batch today perceive the world as the complicated and mature network of computerized and online applications that help to communicate, search for, switch and share information, make business with international partners, play games on distance, and many other purposes. Though, the question is whether digital natives and digital residents are the corresponding in their perception of the world, doings and life habits in the future? carriage of Digital Residents Since personally I was born before 1994, I am related to the category of digital residents, who were born before the occurrence of social digital technologies. Such people want me elatet the computer and Internet-related skills either in schools or universities and have an opportunity to compare life and perception of the world before and subsequently the digital world.Despite I am not a digital native, my behavior as a digital resident is already influenced by numerous technologies I am using daily kindred cell phone, computer, DVD player, iPod, etc. With occurrence of cell phones, for example, people became more flexible and mobile in their behavior, actions, plans and ability to communicate with their family members, friends and colleagues.Moreover, many people combine conversations by cell phone with other activities like cleaning the house, working on the computer, shopping or driving a car (Palfrey and Gasser, 2008). Recently more and more people, including me, prefer to make their personal or business calls while driving to the office, shop or gym. It might be a good way to use time ef ficiently, though at the same time might cause problems and distract a person from driving and being careful on the road.In one of his first video chapters Robert Schrag (2010) addressed exactly this issue when young people got apply to talk by phone and type text messages while driving. Though, the main difference in such behavior between digital natives and digital residents is that the last ones are more careful, reasonable and less restricted on the technologies than digital natives are (Palfrey and Gasser, 2008). It might sound crazy, but computers, cell phones and other technology-related products became a required and integral daily part of their lives.While as a digital resident I am less dependent, or better to say, obsessed with technology, the changing world of education and business requires being constantly aware and familiar with the latest technologies, either to learn the updated and useful information for my personal and professional education or to keep pace w ith younger people whose knowledge of languages, computers and technology-related applications make them more competitive at the labor market.ConclusionAs for the future behavior as a digital resident, it is rather dangerous to predict since more and more innovations enter our lives. For example, nowadays a debate exists concerning two main issues gentleman cloning and brain chips. Personally, I do not support either of these ideas since with their occurrence and legacy people will be controlled by those who created such innovations while the human being is independent self-thinker who is responsible for his/her witness actions, has personal wishes and dreams and is unpredictable in his/her behavior.While digital world gives me more and more opportunity to learn the world and communicate with other people, at the same time it controls me more and more shaping my behavior in the way innovators and digital world creators want. I personally think that technology should be wisely and within certain limits without suppressing and eliminating the natural things and personal communication between people.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Scientific method Essay Example for Free

Scientific rule Essay1)What type of team was formed here? Was it necessary, in your opinion? 2)Use the team effectiveness form and related information in chapter 8, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of this teams environment, design and processes. 3)Assuming that these four people mustiness continue to work as a team, recommend ways to improve the teams effectiveness. An average, or typical, case is often not the richest in information. In clarifying lines of history and causation it is more utile to select subjects that offer an interesting, unusual or particularly revealing set of circumstances. A case survival of the fittest that is ground on representativeness will seldom be able to produce these kinds of insights. When selecting a subject for a case take, researchers will therefore use information-oriented sampling, as opposed to random sampling. Outlier cases (that is, those which are extreme, deviant or atypical) reveal more information than the potentially r epresentative case. Alternatively, a case may be selected as a key case, chosen because of the inherent interest of the case or the circumstances surrounding it.Or it may be chosen because of researchers in-depth local anesthetic knowledge where researchers have this local knowledge they are in a position to soak and poke as Fenno6 puts it, and thereby to offer reasoned lines of explanation based on this rich knowledge of setting and circumstances. Three types of cases may thus be distinguished rudimentary cases Outlier cases Local knowledge cases Whatever the frame of reference for the choice of the subject of the case resume (key, outlier, local knowledge), there is a distinction to be made between the subjestorical unity 7 by dint of which the theoretical commission of the study is being viewed.The object is that theoretical focus the analytical frame. Thus, for example, if a researcher were interested in US resistance to communist expansion as a theoretical focus, then the Korean struggle might be taken to be the subject, the lens, the case study through which the theoretical focus, the object, could be viewed and explicated. 8 beyond decisions about case selection and the subject and object of the study, decisions need to be made about purpose, sexual climax and process in the case study.Thomas3 thus proposes a typology for the case study wherein purposes are first set (evaluative or exploratory), then approaches are delineated (theory-testing, theory-building or illustrative), then processes are decided upon, with a maven choice being between whether the study is to be single or multiple, and choices also about whether the study is to be retrospective, snapshot or diachronic, and whether it is nested, parallel or sequential.It is thus possible to take many routes through this typology, with, for example, an exploratory, theory-building, multiple, nested study, or an evaluative, theory-testing, single, retrospective study. The typology thus offer s many permutations for case study structure. A closely related study in medicine is the case report, which identifies a specific case as treated and/or examined by the authors as presented in a novel form.These are, to a differentiable degree, similar to the case study in that many contain reviews of the relevant literature of the topic discussed in the thorough examination of an array of cases print to fit the criterion of the report being presented. These case reports can be thought of as brief case studies with a principal discussion of the new, presented case at hand that presents a novel interest.

Monday, April 8, 2019

The blind side Essay Example for Free

The blind side endeavorThe Blind Side is based on the remarkable true story of Baltimore Ravens offensive left swindle Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron). Michael grew up in the inner city housing projects with his mother in Memphis, Tennessee aptly named Hurt resolution. Michaels story begins with him being homeless and coming from a broken home with a aquiline mother, and an absentee father.Because of his family circumstances, Family Services took control of his life as he was growing up. Unfortunately, he was being bounced around in and out of foster homes, and in a flash as a teenager he has taken it upon himself that he would quite be homeless. By a stroke of luck, and the coachs wish for a receiveer the size of Michael, he ends up enrolling in a private Christian tutor where the Tuohy kids go. Michael is a quiet person.He is shown to have a physique of childish personality, because he tries to play with kindergarten children (Rachel St. Gelais) who reject or ignore him . Michael is befriended by S.J. Tuohy (Jae Head), the youngest Tuohy whose connection to Michael starts the ball rolling. One icy winter night, as Michael is walking down the road to the school gym, where he is sleeping, Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) with her husband Sean (Tim McGraw) and children Jae and Collins (Lily Collins) pick Michael up and take him home for the night.However, he stays for the close night, which puzzles Sean, although the children accept Michael matter-of-factly. Soon, Leigh Anne offers him a room and bed. As she starts making him greater and greater favours, he comes to research through with(predicate) Michaels exams, and the only positive feedback that teachers could ever say about him is that he had big protective instincts. Leigh Anne go out use that to explain him how to play in the field. Up to that moment, he wasnt able to get the strike of the game and its rules, and he wasnt able to understand what his role in the field was.From that moment, Michael starts to play substantially and be useful to his team. At the traditional Christmas card photograph of that year, Leigh Anne invites him to appear on the photo. Leigh Annes friends Beth (Rhoda Griffs), Elaine (Eaddy Mays) and Sherry (Ashley LeConte Campbell) play regularly at a local expensive restaurant. The friends laugh about Leigh Annes project in the projects, but she cuts it off, saying that if they dont respect what she does, she will stop seeing them. An opportunity arises for Michael to play atuniversity level.However, he needs his grades to improve, so the Tuohys hire a private tuition teacher, outspoken and kind Miss fulfill (Kathy Bates), who will immediately succeed. During their Geography lesson, she bring ups a stupid remark about well-nigh univerity burying the bodies of dead people in their game field, which Michael seems to believe blindly.There comes a momen when Leigh Anne wants to have a face-to-face conversation with Michaels mother(Adriane Lenox) . Although she seems unresponsive in the beginning, the mother finally wishes Michael the best. She says that social services had brand Michael a runner, and she forecasts that Leigh Anne will find one day that he has run away for earnest without giving any previous notice. Leigh Anne also faces some guys from the projects which had threatened Michael.They are left speechles when she threatens them and is not timid of them at all. Three universities want Michael. S. J. talks to the coaches, and leads the negotiations on Michaels behalf. When Michael gets his grades high enough, he must make a decision, and he does. He chooses the university where Sean had played for, and where Leigh Anne was a cheerleader.That causes Investigator Granger (Sharon Morris) to move onto the matter ahead Michael arrives there. She questions him as though they were holding interrogatory preceding at a police station. She thinks that the Tuohys and Miss Sue are using Michael to benefit that particular u niversity. After thinking and questioning Leigh Ann on the matter, Michael realises that the Tuohys are now his family, and tells Granger that thats the reason for him to choose that university.The film ends saying that hell succeed and become a professional player later on. S. J went out to the gamefield with Michael before all local games.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Some Sportsmen Are More Interested of Making Money Than Playing the Game Essay Example for Free

Some Sportsmen Are More Interested of Making Money Than Playing the Game testSpectator sports is genuinely common everywhere in the world. In Malaysia, the most popular one is football or soccer. Tennis and basketball be sports that have worldwide appeal. Fans are ordaining to pay a lot of silver to see high quality sports. Thus, there has developed in the most popular sports a group of athletes known as professional sportsmen. They are paid for playing in a team. Their payments are not paltry sums.Professional sports is a very big business, and these sportsmen can demand very high salaries depending on how good and how popular they are. The best professional sportsmen in the United States are report to be paid salaries that run into millions of dollars. There has been criticism that professional sportsmen are more vexed in making bullion than playing the game. I do not agree with this criticism because of the very spirit of their job, which is playing in a sporting tea m.To become a professional, you have to be the best endowment available. Sports is a game where you cannot fake your ability. You must have natural talent and normally people who are highly talented in their field love what they are doing. A sportsman has to have heating system and drive for his sports, or else his lack of enthusiasm will show in his performance.Besides, professional sports is a globe game. When the sportsman does not perform well, his failure is seen by thousands, even millions of stadium and television viewers as in the case of football and badminton in Malaysia. Everyone from the man in the street to the newspaper sports writer will discuss his poor performance. Thus, every time a professional sportsman does not show interest in playing the game, his life story is jeopardized.We must also remember that professional sportsmen have a utterly career as it is based on his physical strength and agility. A sportsman hits his prime in his 20s and by the time he is about 35 years old, his career is over. While in their prime, some(prenominal) of them try to make as much money as they can. Some make additional money by appearing in advertisements or promoting merchandise bearing their names. I do not cogitate there is anything wrong with this. After all, their popularity and ability to make money this way depend on their genius as a sportsmanDue to the demand for their talent, professional sportsmen are highly paid. But the money they make is tightly linked to their ability to play the game. They cannot afford to be more interested in making money than in playing the game. If they slip in their performance as professional sportsmen, their career will soon be over.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

NewEgg Essay Example for Free

NewEgg EssayNewEgg. com is the fastest computer software and hardware retail merchant online store. Newegg. com is a leading e-retailer committed to becoming the most loved and trusted marketplace on the weave by offering superior shopping experience, rapid delivery, and stellar customer service. NewEgg. com was founded by Fred Chang in 2001 run operation in California. As today NewEgg. com has more than 11 million registered users and has managed to gain their trust as the customer gets excellent service, fast routine and delivery.Newegg. com has implemented a tracking carcass that allows them to fulfill and process commits, allocate separate needed in a fast and organized way to save time. The system makes an accurate forecast that let them know to refill their inventory and workload as needed. Once the order gets entered the system labels and assigns a tote that moves on a conveyor system to a pick up demesne where parts get scanned along the tote and order gets filled. By doing so it keeps the inventory controlled and parts bins get refilled as inventory gets low.The company reduces the operational cost by monitoring orders and work loads, if an area gets busy its easy for the managers to re assign operators to move and reduce the work load in that area. Conveyors not in used the systems stops the automatically to save energy. UPS and FedEx make almost 10 stops a day bringing parts and making pick ups to deliver customers. High percentage of orders gets processed and leaves facilities within the same day and makes it to the customer by the second business days and just about the 10 percentage the customer gets it by the third day.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Investigating the winners and losers of globalisation

Investigating the winners and unsuccessful persons of globalizationGlobalisation everywhere the past hundred years has undoubtedly made the human to a greater extent interconnected including closer societies, politics, economies, cultures and the surroundings. The demesne has seen all these dimensions influenced by the process of globalisation and the vector sum winners and losers. Primarily, the economies of nations around the globe hasten experienced the near significant globalisation process, with the foundation of this dating guts to the 14th century. The globalisation of economies has resulted in numerous winners including to the racyest degree western nations, around third world labourers and international institutions. There digest besides been umteen a(prenominal) a(prenominal) losers including close third world countries, the environment and ironically even most western countries. Thus, it can be utter that the globalisation process of integrating nations economies has had some(prenominal) positive and proscribe effectuate on the world.The globalisation of nations economies has undeniably improved the lives of millions across the planet, in both substantial and maturation countries. Economic globalisation can be defined as the process associated with increasing sparing openness, growing stinting interdependence and deepening economic integration between countries in the world scrimping.1By far the major(ip) winner from this process has been the citizens and corporations of veritable countries. This is due to many factors that countenance come to fruition in the later half of the twentieth century. Specifically, the roles of international corporations, global financial institutions and consumerism all have ties to economic globalisation. Transnational or multinational corporations are corporations that have a headquarters in one country and operate in several other countries. These have been influential in globalisation and have brought much wealth to authentic countries. The largest transnational corporation in the world currently is Wal-Mart Stores, with sales for 2003 reaching 256.33 billion dollars.2With a sales figure of this proportion, Wal-Mart took in more money than many developed nations total gross domestic product. Charles E. Wilson who was a Chairman of General Motors verbalise Whats good for General Motors in good for the country.3This quote highlights the positive aspects of globalisation for developed countries as ofttimes when transnational corporations win so do developed countries.Despite the criticisms that surround transnational corporations, they have been straightway investing in underdeveloped countries and with their expansion into these markets, have actually raised the standard of living in many third world countries. The fourth largest non-financial transnational corporation, Vodafone has a total 207,458 million dollars worth of assets, where a staggering 187,792 milli on of that is made up of foreign assets. This shows the corporations expansion into core and periphery countries, bringing technology, barter and high standards of living. Another example of a transnational corporation cr take winners with the globalisation process is McDonalds. This is a ready example of globalization in both the economic and cultural sense, with nearly 50 million mickle around the world be served daily. The primary coil economic winner in recent times from McDonalds globalisation process has been East Asia, as in 1975 when McDonalds opened it first restaurant in Hong Kong, it brought with it a high standard of professional service and the first restaurant to continually offer a clean eating environment, which customers came to demand from all restaurants later.4Another lesser-known winner of the globalisation process, are the third world workers employed by transnational corporations. Although the western world sees sweatshops as immoral and unethical, the la bourers who work in these places are often being paid a higher wage than most of their fellow citizens. In 2005 in Honduras a maturation country, where sweatshops are commonplace, the average apparel worker earned $13.10 per day this is compared to the 44% of the countrys population that live on less than $2 per day.5This means through the economic globalisation process and cross border corporations, workers in develop countries have the opportunities to survive and beat the poverty cycle.The International Monetary Fund and World money box have both actively been helping the developing countries. This has been occurring through loans, economic re-development and economic management. Both these institutions have played major roles in the economic assistance of developing countries over the past fifty years. A recent example is the World Bank implementing policies to help eradicate poverty through achieving universal primary education for all children. In 2006 a report showed that the United Nations and World Bank invested heavily in government schools in Ethiopia, as a result primary enrolment more than doubled from 22% in 1990 to 47% in 2004.6The globalisation of economies has resulted in many winners from the developed nations while alike up(p) improved the standard of living in many developing nations.While there have been many winners from economic globalisation, there have also been and go forth continue to be many losers. The primary loser from globalisation has been the developing countries, who have supplied the labour and raw material necessary to fuel globalisation. In many third world countries, globalisation has had the negative effect of creating sweatshops, where workers are paid low wages to do hard manual labour in often poor conditions. These sweatshops are run by transnational corporations, that have the aim of minimising costs by taking advantage of the relaxed labour laws often in developing countries. An example of a transnational cor poration that uses sweatshops is Nike, as its shoes are made in many Asian countries at a low cost and then sold in western countries for a profit. After the goods are sold and the wages paid, the transnational corporations take any profit made back to their headquarters or home country. This leaves the developing countries in poverty as the workers are being victimized for a minimal wage while the country sees very little of the profits. Another, fuss associated with economic globalisation, is that citizens of developing countries are leaving their countries in order to achieve higher education, better job prospects and generally higher standards of living. This problem is called the brain drain and has significant economic implications for the countries involved. In the African nation of Ghana, an estimated 68 part of all trained medical staff left the country between 1993 and 2000.7A large absolute majority of developing countries are experiencing the brain drain problem and it is advance fueling the poverty cycle, in which globalisation is playing a negative role.However, not only are the developing countries affected by economic globalisation, the developed countries that are often at the centre of globalisation also experience problems. A major loser that has resulted from the integration of economies specifically in times of economic downturn has been all economies, including both developing and developed. This is caused by the increasing integration and interconnectedness of economies all over the world, a problem arises when one nations economy goes into downturn and then due to the integration causes others to go into downturn also. The most recent examples of where this has occurred was the East Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. In both these situations, a crisis in one countrys economy, which was closely interlinked to the world economy, caused severe economic repercussions throughout the world. A subprime lending crisis in the US housing market finally blew up to trigger the single largest economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The effects of this crisis are quiet being felt around the world today, with trillions of dollars being wiped off share markets, banking institutions collapsing and huge national debts. The problem associated with the integration of nations economies leave behind be an ever present problem as economic globalisation increases in the future. It can be seen that the primary losers from economic development are developing countries however, developed countries can also be losers.Another significant loser from economic globalisation is the environment this problem affects all countries on the planet and has been getting worse over time. The environment has been abused and neglected since the beginning of the industrial rotation and today is currently at a precipice. Developed countries are the worst offender when it comes to the abuse of the environment. In recent times, the economies of China, India, Russia and Brazil have started rivaling the world powerhouse economies of America and Europe in terms of ascorbic acid dioxide pollution and environmental degradation. The primary environmental concern of recent has been the effects of increased carbon dioxide emissions and the effects on the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The resultant effect of a buildup in greenhouse gases will have serious problems for everyone including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, polluted oxygen and many more problems8. These problems have ties to economic globalisation this is due to many developed countries and transnational companies using limited resources and resultant pollution. Economic globalisation has been the driving force for sustained economic growth in both developed and developing countries. Along with this the need of transnational corporations to gain greater profits and expand into new markets has furt her increased the consumption of scarce resources and increased emissions. This is evident by the fact that developed countries are some of the worst polluters with America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand the top four emitters of carbon dioxide per capita and population in 2000.9However, developing countries are also increasing their emissions and speeding up their depletion of natural resources. In Brazil between 1978 and 1988, annual rainforest headroom rose from 78,000km squared a year to 230,000km squared.10The Amazon rainforest is considered the lungs of the earth and provide the vital caper of helping to remove pollution from the atmosphere. This means that the increasing economic globalisation has continued to assist developed countries achieve higher levels of consumerism and has helped developing countries achieve record levels of economic growth, which has actually had a very negative effect on the environment. This negative effect means that both developed countries and developing countries are both losers as globalisation makes it mark on the earths environment.There are positive aspects of globalisation as seen in developed countries, also now many developing countries are to some degree enjoying the benefits. In formula that, developing countries are still being generally exploited by transnational corporations and the developed world. Similarly, the planets environment is still being expended at a faster rate than it is being replenished or replaced and will sure enough cause problems for future generations. Therefore, if changes are not made to the mode and medium of economic globalisation, the costs will soon outweigh the benefits.